Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wedding Updates and More

I know I've been really behind with updates but life catches on to you so currently I'm working, doing my masters, planning the wedding and in-between going back and forth from Singapore.

I came across CahayaKad by Latifi from Sarawak. You can check him out on facebook. He makes and designs the most amazing wedding invites and for bride-to-be out there who is willing to spend extra dough I encourage you to contact him.

I however have booked the wedding invites way before I found him. SO sad kan....xpela... But nevertheless, I think the invites are looking pretty nice. Simple with no kerawang kerawang. ...

Next, the bunga pahar. We went to Kak Fatma's house the other day and the bunga pahar is fabulous. So awesome! My mum quickly just said yes without asking for the price. Tp memang sgt sgt cantik la...

Door Gifts. I think we've sort of decided on it.

Well...that's it la for now. Will report back when there's more things done.
